Bed Bug Control

Until recently, most people thought that bed bugs were just an old wives tale, and until recently they practically were. Bed bugs, once eliminated in the United States, have continued to thrive in other parts of the world. With increased travel, bed bugs have been able to move from other parts of the world into our country. They are able to get around the world in under a day, just like us.Most people relate infestations to large cities, especially those that are hubs for travel like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, but smaller cities are now plagued by bed bugs almost as much as these larger cities. This is a problem which will not go away on its own
Bed bugs hide in small crevices and often hitchhike in luggage, furniture, clothing, and boxes. Used furniture such as mattresses and bed frames are among their favorite places to live.
Bed bugs are hard to find in the beginning of an infestation, and even more difficult to completely eliminate from your home or business without professional help.
The movie theater, the bus, a doctor’s office, and even your friend’s house are just a few of the many places you can pick up bed bugs. Unfortunately, keeping your home clean is not much of a deterrent for bed bugs. They only need one thing to live – human blood.
Helpful Bed Bugs Facts
⦁ Adults are flat, reddish-brown in color, and about ¼ inch in size, (about the size of an apple seed, or lady beetle).
⦁ Female bed bugs lay 5 – 7 eggs per week.
⦁ Up to 500 in a lifetime. A single female can be responsible for over 30,000 offspring per year!
⦁ Eggs hatch within 6 – 10 days and can become an adult in 35 -48 days.
⦁ They feed on the blood of humans and some small animals.
⦁ Mostly nocturnal and will normally feed for 3 – 10 minutes while you sleep.
⦁ Will feed on exposed skin and will often bite in a pattern of 3 bites that can leave itchy red welts.
⦁ The average lifespan is 10 – 12 months but can live between 12 – 18 months without feeding.
⦁ Bed bugs can carry but do not transmit diseases.
⦁ Bed bugs are extremely difficult to eliminate.